Papua New Guinea10/2024
Programme Audits of GAVI support in Papua New Guinea.GAVI
€ 78,000
Public Finance Management
Due Diligence Assessment of grant recipients under a global fund program.Alliance India
USD 35,000
Public Finance Management
Macrofiscal Facility. To enhance DG INTPA’s capacity to identify macroeconomic and fiscal challenges and to effectively support the design and implementation of appropriate macro-fiscal policies in partner countries. Provision of evidence-based macroeconomic and fiscal analysis to support policy making in international development and identification and design of operations. Technical advice to DG INTPA partner countries on macroeconomic and fiscal issues and policy implementation. Technical advice to EU Delegations on macroeconomic and fiscal topics relevant for EU partnership actions. To deliver customised training, conferences, and workshops to share expertise as well as virtual standard training. European Commission
€ 2,694,300
Public Finance Management
Supporting Debt Management and Transparency. Support for Public Debt Management, SOE Fiscal Risk management, sovereign cash management, climate risk management and public investment management.ADB
USD 355,750
Public Finance Management
Formulation mission for EU4Statistics. To inform decision makers on possible support interventions by the EU in the area of statistics. Design the programming documents for EU4Statistics.European Commission€ 69,320Public Finance Management
Final evaluation of the Public Finance Management Support programme for Ukraine (EU4PFM).European Commission
€ 106,124
Public Finance Management
Development of comprehensive guidelines and capacity building on green budgeting and tagging.
To develop national comprehensive guidelines for the adoption of green budgeting practices and green tagging by all relevant ministries and departments. To conduct a training for trainers with the staff of the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development and relevant ministries and a capacity-building workshop for relevant stakeholders to facilitate the implementation of green budgeting guidelines. To provide direct support to implementing ministries through the creation of a high-level technical committee to ensure a standardized green budget reporting.
€ 155,428
Public Finance Management
Strengthening control of fiduciary risks in budget support financing. Review of a sample of Budget Support programmes mainly in high and very high risk countries (Cameroon, Mauritania, Uganda, Rwanda, India, Bangladesh, Niger, Bolivia, Ivory Coast). Production of an analysis note on strengths, weaknesses and good practices. Support for development of training modules on the management of fiduciary risks in budget support.AFD
€ 31,900
Public Finance Management
Technical Assistance to support the implementation of the Early Childhood Development Sector Reform Contract. Strengthening of sector PFM, including planning, budgeting, procurement and expenditure control functions. Reinforcing capacity for sector coordination and data management. Support to ECD and pre-primary education (PPE) awareness and advocacy capacity. Reinforcing service delivery capacity and quality of teaching and care in ECD and PPE. Project Team management, coordination and monitoring of implementation of the ECD sector reform budget support contract.European Commission
€ 1,073,000
Public Finance Management
DR Congo07/2024
Support to the Ministry of National Education and New Citizenship for the retirement of teachers in the DRC. The objective of the service is to support the MENN in designing an improved teacher pension system .AFD
USD 34,000
Public Finance Management
Final Evaluation of the EU Support for Strengthening PFM, Statistics, M&E Systems at State and Local Government Levels in Yobe State. European Commission
€ 70,000
Public Finance Management
West Africa (WAEMU)01/2024 – 04/2024Analysis and Review of the regulatory framework of the Community Solidarity Levy (Prélèvement Communautaire de Solidarité) (PCS). The general objective of this study is to contribute to the improvement of the mechanisms for mobilizing and the governance of the resources of the PCS through a critical review of the institutional framework and the texts governing the PCS.WAEMU Commission
€ 80,000
Public Finance Management
Samoa02/2024 – 05/2024Financial Management Expert for the Samoa Water Authority. To conduct a review of the financial management practices and systems of the water utility, as well as reviewing Financial and Administrative policies, human resources including salary and organisational structure for necessary amendments for their organisation. Identifying areas of improvement and developing recommendations to enhance financial performance and ensure long-term financial sustainability.European Comlmission
€ 45,130
Public Finance Management
Tadjikistan01/2024 – 12/2026Annual performance assessments of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training, and Employment Sector Reform Performance Contract. To provide a detailed review and assess the progress in the implementation of the TVET and Employment SRPC against the general conditions and the targets of the performance indicators, to enable the EU to use the outcomes of the reviews for decisions on tranche disbursements.European Commission
€ 249,188
Public Finance Management
Mozambique10/2023 – 10/2025Technical Assistance to strengthen municipal management in human resources, tax, finance and ICT. The TA is aimed and enabling and supporting 22 municipalities in the provinces of Gaza, Sofala, Zambezia and Niassa in the areas of HR management, tax management, public finance management and ICT.World Bank
USD 3,534,572
Public Finance Management
Solomon Islands03/2023 – 03/2026Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Finance and Treasury and the Ministry of National Planning and Development Coordination on EU-Solomon Islands Partnership for Resilience Building contract. Provision of two experts: (i) A budget advisor to improve budget coordination, planning, and preparation through the preparation of key planning documents, as well as to provide support, advice and hands-on training to the Budget Unit and line ministry staff. (ii) A National Development Strategy Advior to improve the performance of the Ministry of National Planning in fulfilling its institutional mandate as well as in meeting the EU-Solomon Islands Partnership for Resilience Building contractual requirements (EU Budget Support).European Commission
€ 405,500
Public Finance Management
India12/2022 – 03/2023Study of State Finance Commissions across states in India. Study of existing practices and best practices and methods across each state in India, so as to provide evidence-based thought leadership documents to the States on improving the goals of constitutional amendments through SFCs. The study provides recommendations on SFC strengthening.Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Govt. of India / Jana Urban Service for Transformation USD 19 000 Public Finance Management
India2022 – 2023Fiscal Sustainability Analysis (FSA) of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in Odisha State. The FSA of ULBs in Odisha to be carried out under the Govt. of Odisha initiative of “Municipal Strengthening Project”. The FSA objectives are: (i) To understand the financial performance and financial position of ULBs in Odisha based on an analysis of financial statements and annual budgets. (ii) To understand the existing financial management arrangements in ULBs and provide recommendations for making them more robust, efficient, and effective. (iii) To provide a roadmap for financial sustainability and financial accountability for the ULBs.Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Govt. of India / Jana Urban Service for Transformation USD 19 000
Public Finance Management
Nepal2022- 2023Capacity Development of Inland Revenue Department in Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) and Financial Investigations. Identification of a functional model for ADR related to taxation already existing in a South Asian country. Preparation and elaboration of a training program on the investigation techniques for the detection of tax evasion and illicit financial flows. GIZ
€ 18,775
Public Finance Management
Kenya2022 - 2023 PEFA assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management according to the 2016 Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework. This includes the PEFA Climate and Gender modules.European Commission
€ 299,840
Public Finance Management
Belize2022Final Evaluation of the Supporting the PFM Sector in Belize Project. This project aimed at improving the management and oversight of public finances by building the organisational and operational capacity of an internal audit unit within the Ministry of Finance, strengthening Auditor General and Contractor General capacities and setting up of a PFM Oversight Committee.European Commission
€ 49,900
Public Finance Management
Niger2022 PEFA assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management according to the 2016 Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework.European Commission
€ 333,323
Public Finance Management
West Africa2022 - 2024Consultancy for the provision of Project Management Services to the ECOWAS Commission for the implementation of (i) the Streamlining Tax, Revenue Management, and digitalization of Customs Administrations in 5 ECOWAS Countries (Liberia, Mali Niger, Sierra Leone and The Gambia) Project. This involves acquisition of technical skills, extensive training of Customs Administrations staff and modernization of the automated systems for customs data (ASYCUDA); and (ii) the digitisation of transactions pertaining to the public administrations and populations of Liberia (e-governance) project.African Development Bank
USD 276,000
Public Finance Management
India2022 - 2024Consultancy for Strengthening Inventory Management Practices and Developing Inventory Management System (IMS) for Government of Rajasthan. Conducting As-Is Study and Gap Analysis of exiting IMS. Preparing To-Be report. Preparing detailed procedures, IMS report templates and dashboard and training of trainers.World Bank
USD 764,820
Public Finance Management
Maldives2022 Consultancy for Development of IT Master Plan for Public Finance Management Functions. To develop a 5 years ICT Master Plan to strengthen PFM and ensure business continuity at both Ministry of Finance and Maldives Inland Revenue Authority by streamlining core ICT functions. In addition, the consultancy looks in to strengthening the government’s ICT Auditing capabilities and carry out capacity building activities in association with the Auditor General’s Office.World Bank
USD 200,000
Public Finance Management
Central African Republic2022PEFA assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management according to the 2016 Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework.European Commission
€ 274,628
Public Finance Management
North Macedonia2022 - 2023TA for preparation of the Audit Authority in North Macedonia for IPA III. The specific objective of this project is to provide technical assistance to the Audit Authority in view of the harmonisation of the audit procedures with the new IPA III Regulation and guidelines and to strengthen their audit and IT capacity.European Commission
€ 208,976
Public Finance Management
Dominican Republic2022 - 2023PEFA assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management according to the 2016 Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework.European Commission
€ 298,000
Public Finance Management
Ghana2022Identification and formulation of the Public Finance Management Support Programme (phase II). Assist the EU Delegation to Ghana with the identification and formulation of a detailed programme, including activities, expected results, implementation modalities and delivery mechanisms, budget estimates and logical framework in the following PFM areas: budget approval (legislative oversight), budget implementation. European Commission
€ 249,956
Public Finance Management
Zambia2022EFFECT Mid-term Evaluation and PFM programme design. Components include the strengthening of the parliamentary budgetary oversight function; improving the oversight of public spending by the National Audit Office; supporting the Anti-Corruption Commission and strengthening the fight against corruption; improving the planning, budgeting and management of public resources; and enhancing the revenue base through improved domestic revenue mobilisation.European Commission
€ 239,962
Public Finance Management
Sierra Leone2021 - 2022 PEFA assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework.European Commission
€ 203,746
Public Finance Management
Uganda2021 - 2022End of Programme Evaluation of the 3rd Financial Management and Accountability Programme. To evaluate the impact of FINMAP III actions and results on central and local government (LG) service delivery. Write compelling stories based on stakeholder interviews, service delivery facilites and LG civil servants.European Commission
€ 299,359
Public Finance Management
Cameroun2021 - 2022Subnational PEFA assessments. PEFA assessment of 12 municipalities in Cameroun. Assessment of the the local level public finance management system, including an assessment of gender inclusion in local level PFM. These assessments form the basis for reforming local level PFM and updating the regulatory and legal framework for decentralized PFMEuropean Commission
€ 399,998
Public Finance Management
Ukraine2021 - 2022 Subnational PEFA assessments. PEFA assessment of the following oblast capitals (municipalities): Chernivtsi, Lviv, Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr and particular assessment of Khmelnytskyi.
Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
CHF 270,342
(€ 250,000)
Public Finance Management
Kyrgyz Republic2021- 2022 Capacity Building for Public Finance Management. Upgrade the existing econometric fiscal planning model to enable better forecasting of budget revenues and expenditures in the medium and longer term. Improve intergovernmental fiscal relation mechanisms. Improve procedures and practices for cash planning, liquidity management, and control of budget commitments. Prepare an updated public debt management strategy. Prepare functional and technical requirements for the configuration of the debt management and accounting software (DMFAS v6.0). Develop regulatory and methodological documents on IPSAS and improve regulatory PFM documents.World Bank
USD 495,000
Public Finance Management
Uzbekistan2021 - 2022Developing a Program/performance based budgeting within Sutainable Fiscal Policy. Support for improving the effectiveness of public finance management by reforming the budgetary process through building capacity and expanding the scope and quality of the program/performance components of the budget and linking national policies and targets with the mid-term budgeting framework in selected priority ministries.World Bank
USD 342,175
Public Finance Management
EthiopiaFinal Evaluation of the Fourth Road Sector Policy Support Program (SPSP IV). Emphasis is on data collection, analysis and reporting systems in the SPSP IV budget support program; Policy dialogue mechanisms and performance; and assessment on how to improve budget support in design, implementation and monitoring of the new program (in the logistics sector) under the new EU programming cycle.European Commission
€ 72,900
Public Finance Management
Tanzania2021 - 2023Final Evaluation of the Sector Budget Support under the Economic and Fiscal Governance Programme. Assessment of the past performance of the Economic and Fiscal Governance Programme.The results serve to inform the planning of possible future Budget Support programmes and inform the programming exercise for the next multi-annual financial framework.European Commission
€ 83,733
Public Finance Management
Togo2020 - 2021Development of the Policy and Strategic Plan for the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ARMP). Drafting of the policy for regulating public procurement and associated strategic plan for 2021 – 2025. Development of the budget, road map and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for implementing the strategic plan.World Bank
€ 83,053
Public Finance Management
Sao Tome and Principe2021 - 2023Support to the Office of Public Finace Reforms (GARFIP). To assist with the formulation and delivery of medium term budget frameworks and transparent, comprehensive and credible annual budgets that will strengthen fiscal discipline, strategic allocation of resources and efficient public services delivery.European Commission
€ 617,200
Public Finance Management
Central African Republic2020 - 2021Capacity Strengthening Support to the Ministry of Finance. Provision of training, studies and advice in support of (i) coordinating macro-economic policy; (ii) increasing the level of domestic revenue mobilization; (iii) strengthening internal control; and (iv) human resource management in the Ministry of Finance.European Commission
€ 836,630
Public Finance Management
Marshall Islands2020 - 2021Senior Advisor to the Office of the Auditor General. To provide support and hands-on training to further strengthen the capacity of the OAG’s Fraud Investigation team to effectively carry out its Fraud Investigation and Prevention Function.European Commission
€ 265,300
Public Finance Management
Federated States of Micronesia2020 - 2021Senior Advisor for Financial Management Legislation in the four FSM States. To review the PFM-related legal framework for all States, and propose a re-drafting of the Financial Management Regulations.European Commission
€ 87,000
Public Finance Management
Kiribati2021Financial Auditor Specialist to the Kiribati Audit Office (KAO). To assist the KAO with improving the Financial Audit skills of staff, KAO’s overall Financial Audit methodology and approach and improving KAO’s overall Financial Audit Quality.European Commission
€ 135,523
Public Finance Management
Togo2021Reorganization of the Public Finance Management Reform Secretariat and development of an Action Plan. To strengthen the organizational setup and functioning of the Secretariat based on a well defined regulatory framework and the most recent PEFA and PEMFAR recommendations.World Bank
USD 63,069
Public Finance Management
Cambodia2021Support for writing of the Thematic Analytical Report on Economic Activities and Employment of the 2019 General Population Census of Cambodia. Technical assistance to the National Institute of Statistics (NIS) to produce in-depth thematic analysis report on Economic Activities and Employment based on the 2019 Census dataset. Interpreting census data, and using relevant literature on the concerned topic. Capacity building of NIS staff.European Commission
€ 69,380
Public Finance Management
Pakistan2019 - 2021Design of New Public Investment Management Framework for improving public investment management in public services in Balochistan. Support the Planning and Development Department; Government of Balochistan in: (i) own source investments; (ii) PPP arrangements; (iii) private sector capital investments governance and management.World Bank
USD 208,000
Public Finance Management
West Africa Region2019 - 2023Fiscal Transition Support Programme. Support to the WAEMU and ECOWAS member states for improving tax management; strengthening measures for tackling fraud, tax evasion and illicit financial flows so as to improve tax revenues; and strengthening the regional and national fiscal transition coordination systems. European Commission
€ 6,120,000
Public Finance Management
Albania2019 - 2022Compliance review of budget support general eligibility – PFM, budget transparency and oversight for the purpose of disbursements of tranches and policy dialogue under ongoing and new budget support programmes.European Commission
€ 263,029
Public Finance Management
Tunisia2020 - 2022Support for Public Finance Management Analysis. To strengthen the EU Delegations capacity to analyse the Government Budget and PFM, leading to increased capacity for assessing budget support eligibility, project cycle management and policy dialogue in the field of PFM.European Commission
€ 163,229
Public Finance Management
Dominican Republic2019 - 2020Program to Improve the Efficiency of the Tax Administration and Public Expenditure Management in the Dominican Republic, Component II. Consulting for the improvement and standardisation of the cost execution processes and their registration in the financial management information system (SIGEF)Inter-American Development Bank
€ 499,700
Public Finance Management
Papua New Guinea2019 - 2021Technical Assistance for Public Money Management Regularization. Assist the Ministry of Finance to implement the arrangements and operationalisation of the Public Money Management Regularisation Act. Review all laws in PNG so as to ensure compliance with the PFMA and the PMMR by removal of all provisions that relate to non-tax revenue, investments and loans and replacement with provisions that are consistent with the PFMA and the PMMR.European Commission
€ 649,624
Public Finance Management
Burkina Faso2017 - 2020Support for the strengthening of Public Finance Management. Support for PFM reforms, asset management and accounting for financial assets/liabilities, budget transparency, procurement statistics, programme budgeting, tax policy and administration, support for anti-corruption measures as well as internal and external control.European Commission
€ 3,679,300
Public Finance Management
Côte d’Ivoire 2017 - 2020Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and Department of Land Management. To renew and strengthen sector level public finance management systems for planning, programming, budgeting and monitoring within the Ministry of Agriculture and to support the development of a land management policy and the establishment of a land management bureau. Support is provided in the context of an EU sector budget support programmeEuropean Commission
€ 3,405,500
Public Finance Management
Niger2019 - 2020Support for improving the programme based budgets of the Ministry of Health as well as the Ministries 3-monthly and annual budget execution reports. European Commission
€ 119,820
Public Finance Management
Benin2020Support for strengthening Internal Control in Budget Execution in the context of the transition towards programme based budgeting. European Commission
€ 144,860
Public Finance Management
Turks & Caicos2020PEFA assessment 2019 Turks and Caicos Islands. Providing up-to-date assessment on the performance of the public financial management systems.European Commission
€ 98,764
Public Finance Management
Paraguay2020Support for the Establishment and Running of a Unit responsible for implementing the Government’s PFM reform programme.European Commission
€ 169,980
Public Finance Management
Central African Republic2020Support to the Court of Auditors. To strengthen the capacity of the Court of Auditor (Cour des Comptes) judges in auditing public accounts, local level finances and state owned enetreprises.European Commission
€ 306,422
Public Finance Management
Sierra Leone2016 - 2019State Building Contract Complementary Services. Support for implementation of the Government’s Public Finance Management Reform Strategy. Support for monitoring and implementing National Development Policy. Advice and coaching for improved macroeconomic and fiscal policy formulation, the Accountant General’s Department, internal and external audit, budget planning and formulation and sector budget analysis. Specific support to the Ministry of Education for policy development, M&E, budget planning and formulation.European Commission
€ 4,495,000
Public Finance Management
Botswana / SADC2019Technical Assistance to support SADC Secretariat in Procurement and Financial Management. To improve the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the SADC Secretariat's financial management and procurement systems.European Commission
€ 238,860
Public Finance Management
Nigeria2016 -2019Bayelsa State, Public Finance Management Reform Project. Support for Budget Preparation,
Accounting Expenditure Control and Financial Reporting and Public Finance Management Legislation.
World Bank
USD 720,250
Public Finance Management
El Salvador2017 -2018Strategic Evaluation Budget Support to El Salvador 2009 – 2017. Evaluation focuses on poverty reduction, macro-economic stability, reforms in public finance management, including domestic revenue mobilization, economic growth, social development (cohesion/inclusion) and human security, in particular for youth and women and private sector development. The evlautaion also asses to what extent gender, good governance and human rights have been mainstreamed through budget support operations.European Commission
€ 250,000
Public Finance Management
Lesotho2015 - 2019Support to Public Finance Management Reform. Implementation of a modern PFM regulatory framework. Assure transparency and effectiveness of policy orientation of the budget. Improve governance and institutional management of PFM reforms so as to facilitate ownership, monitoring and evaluation of progress.European Commission
€ 3,837,500
Public Finance Management
Cambodia2019 - 2020Support to PFM Monitoring and PEFA Assessment. Strengthening M&E systems of PFM reform. Improving communication of the PFM reforms and conducting a PEFA assessment. European Commission
€ 285,030
Public Finance Management
Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Belarus2019 - 2020Municipal Finance Study on Energy, Climiate and Environment Sectors. Assessment of gaps in municipal investments in the renewable energy sector, energy efficiency, climate and environment sectors and presentation of recommendations for future EU interventions that contribute to better sustainability of municipal investements in these sectors.European Commission
€ 162,132
Public Finance Management
Uzbekistan2018 - 2019Identification and Formulation of the Sector Reform Performance Contract for 2019. To contribute to the technical preparation of the EU Rural Development Sector Reform Performance Contract and identify technical assistance needs in the areas of rural development and public financial managementEuropean Commission
€ 410,106
Public Finance Management
Benin2019Support for the transition towards programme based budgeting.European Commission
€ 88,400
Public Finance Management
Algeria2019Drafting of the tender dossier for a Technical Assistance programme in support of Public Finance Management Reform.European Commission
€ 106,512
Public Finance Management
Egypt2019Preparation of Twinning Fiches to support the Tax Authority. To support the EU Delegation in designing a Twinning project in the area of taxation in view to: facilitate a gradual harmonization of Egyptian tax practices with relevant EU standards and norms; contribute to the on-going reform of institutional measures in tax area; and facilitate business environment.European Commission
€ 75,910
Public Finance Management
Ukraine2018 - 2019 Support for the implementation of the Public Procurement Reform reform Startegy/Road map for harmonization in Ukraine, including legislative harmonization and strengthening the monitoring of Public Procurement contracts.European Commission
€ 298,600
Public Finance Management
Jamaica2018 - 2019Technical Asssitance to develop an Intergrated Financial Management Information System. Assess the current environment (“as is” state) that supports the central treasury management system. Reengineer the processes of the core modules of an IFMIS (“to be” state). Develop the Systems Requirement Specification for the IFMIS. Develop the appropriate Business Case and project documents to guide and support the implementation of the IFMIS. Develop a Request for Proposal to procure a solution based on the recommendations of the IFMIS Steering Committee. European Commission
€ 552,768
Public Finance Management
Egypt 2019Preparation of Twinning Fiche to support Customs Authority. To facilitate a gradual harmonisation of Egyptian customs practices with relevant EU standards and norms. To contribute to the on-going reforms of institutional measures in the Customs area and to facilitate the business environment.European Commission
€ 88,330
Public Finance Management
Greenland2019Progress report on Public Finance Management system improvement in Greenland in 2018. To assist the Government of Greenland in monitoring Greenland’s public finance management system to verify if the eligibility criteria of the EU budget support have been fulfilled.European Commission
€ 53,294
Public Finance Management
Mali 2018 - 2019Identification of legal and regulatory obstacles that could hinder the disclosure of the actual owners of extractive companies operating in Mali. To identify and diagnose legal barriers to the disclosure of beneficial ownership of extractive industries in Mali and propose to the EITI Steering Committee legal and / or regulatory options for systematic disclosure of the identity of the actual owners of companies operating in the country.European Commission
€ 118,450
Public Finance Management
West Bank and Gaza2018 - 2019Strengthening the capacities of the State Audit and Administrative Control Bureau and supporting the Bureau to become an independent, efficient and effective external audit institution in line with INTOSAI standards. To strengthen the capacities of the State Audit and Administrative Control Bureau (SAACB or Bureau) and in particular to support the Bureau to become an independent, efficient and effective external audit institution in line with INTOSAI standards.European Commission
€ 49,981
Public Finance Management
Nigeria2016 - 2019Bayelsa State, Public Finance Management Reform Project. Support for Budget Preparation,
Accounting Expenditure Control and Financial Reporting and Public Finance Management Legislation.
World Bank
USD 720,250
Linpico 100%
ITD € 569,877
Public Finance Management
Afghanistan2016 - 2018Procurement Facilitation, Support and Strengthening of the National Procurement Authority. Building procurement capacity within the National Procurement Authority and assisting line ministries in carrying out public procurement.World Bank
USD 2,483,265
Public Finance Management
Comoros2017 - 2018Support for drafting and implementation of the Public Investment Programme (PIP) and monitoring the implementation of the Government’s Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Sustainable Development (SCA2D). Technical assistance to the Planning commission and Ministry of Finance.African Development Bank
€ 533,200
Public Finance Management
Cameroun2018 - 2019PEFA Assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management of the Douala municipality according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework.French Government
Linpico 100%
Public Finance Management
Burkina Faso2017Support Programme for Health Sector Policy. Study for the definition of a provision for monitoing, mobilization and capitalization of financial flows in support of health and nutrition.European Commission
€ 58,575
Public Finance Management
DR Congo2011 - 2016Support for the implementation of the government’s Action Plan for Reforming Public Finance Management (PAMFIP). Modernization of Public Finance Management through improved budget preparation and execution and increasing receipts.European Commission
€ 2,081,924
Public Finance Management
Benin2016Training of Customs Inspectors. Institutional strengthening and capacity development and drafting of a procedures manual related to Risk Management and Selectivity.African Development Bank € 60,000
Public Finance Management
Madagascar2016Support for the development of a National Strategy and Action Plan for the Reform of Public Finance Management.African Development Bank € 154,592
Public Finance Management
Mali2015 - 2016 PEFA Assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework. Training in PEFA methodology. World Bank
€ 134,520
Public Finance Management
Burkina Faso2012 - 2015Techncial Assistance to the Public Finance Component of the Programme to support public finance management and statistics. Linpico provides 3 long-term experts and short-term expertise working in the fields of fiscal revenue, budget planning and execution, external audit and control and improving communication and transparency.European Commission
€ 1,197,640
Public Finance Management
Nigeria2013 - 2014Edo State, Implementation of Accounting, Expenditure Control and Reporting and Public Finance legislation Reforms. Review of the current Public Financial Management practices and regulations in order to facilitate transparency and accountability in management of public resources.World Bank
USD 899,000
Public Finance Management
Chad2013 - 2014PFM Improvement programme. Establishing the pre-requisites and capacity building for Programme BudgetingWorld Bank
€ 568 120
Public Finance Management
Tajikistan2015 - 2016Support to the Ministry of Finance for the integration concept, HR and payroll software automation development. Functional review of the HR management and payroll accounting system, preparation of conceptual plan on process improvement and preparation of documents for implementation of automated payroll accounting system, integrated with the HR management system.World Bank
USD 422,471
Public Finance Management
Equatorial Guinee2016Support to Public Finance Management. Revision of the Legal Framework (Tax Code), automation of the Tax Management system and training of Tax officers.African Development Bank € 644,427
Public Finance Management
Afghanistan2011 - 2015Procurement Strengthening and Support for Afghanistan Reconstruction and Development Services (ARDS). Providing procurement capacity to facilitate transparent utilization of donor resources for reconstruction and development. Assisting line ministries in carrying out procurement or carrying out procurement on their behalf, in conformity with guidelines of funding agencies for all goods, works and services financed directly by WB, WB-administered Trust Funds as well as Government contracts. World Bank
€ 6,800,000
Public Finance Management
Burkina Faso2012 - 2015Techncial Assistance to the Public Finance Component of the Programme to support public finance management and statistics. Linpico provides 3 long-term experts and short-term expertise working in the fields of fiscal revenue, budget planning and execution, external audit and control and improving communication and transparency. European Commission
€ 1,197,640
Public Finance Management
Nigeria2014 - 2015Edo Stae, Implementation of Accounting, Expenditure Control and Reporting and Public Finance legislation Reforms. Review of the current Public Financial Management practices and regulations in order to facilitate transparency and accountability in management of public resources. World Bank
USD 899,000
Public Finance Management
Kyrgyz Republic2014 - 2015Capacity Building in Public Finance Management. Provide training on PEFA assessment methodology. Support PEFA self-assessment and prepare full PEFA report. Identify key PFM reforms and advise on how best to revise national PFM strategy based on PEFA findings. World Bank
USD 173,233
Public Finance Management
Mauritania2014Implementation of the Public Finance Management Reform Action Plan. Monitoring of PFMR implementation; development of a capacity building programme, communication activities.World Bank
USD 196,200
Public Finance Management
South Africa2013 - 2014Development of a Public Financial Management Education, Training and Development Model that will enable and ensure effective delivery of public financial management learning solutions in the National and Provincial government spheres.European Commission
€ 79,000
Public Finance Management
Belize2013 - 2014PEFA Assessment. Repeat assessment of Public Finance Management according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework. Training in PEFA methodology (FC BENEF 2009 – Lot 11)European Commission
€ 153,716
Public Finance Management
Aruba2013 - 2014Assessment of implementation of Budget Support. To prepare reports on the progress made in the area of Public Financial Management, macroeconomic stability and implementation of the national education sector policy and strategy in Aruba during 2012 and 2013European Commission
€ 66,384
Public Finance Management
Cameroun2013 - 2014 Feasibility Study for establishing a Government Financial Management Information System for public finance management. Detailed analysis and recommendations on whether to further develop the existing GFMIS or procure a new system.KfW
€ 62,570
Public Finance Management
Seychelles2012 - 2013Public Administration Reform Project. Support and training for the implementation of the government’s public administration reform process. Enhancement of skills in critical areas of public sector management, such as contracting out, fiscal and social impact analysis of reforms and management of autonomous public sector organiezations and assistance in defining and implementing a new public sector pay policy.World Bank
USD 425,485
Public Finance Management
Sao Tomé & Principe2013PEFA Assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework.European Commission
€ 105,000
Public Finance Management
Comores2013PEFA Assessment. Repeat assessment of Public Finance Management according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework.African Development Bank € 130,000Public Finance Management
Pitcairn2013An assessment of Public Financial Management. An assessment of the current situation in PFM recommendations to improve efficiency of expenditure, of public investment, of service delivery and the possibility for decentralization. (FC BENEF 2009 – Lot 11)European Commission
€ 19,950
Public Finance Management
India2012 - 2013Assessment of the current status of the PFM system in India, which is expected to contribute towards the on-going monitoring process on PFM reform and inform the EU on the release of funds related to budget support for the State Partnership Programmes in Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh, and for three centrally-sponsored flagship programmes in the education and health sectors. (FC BENEF 2009 – Lot 11)European Commission
€ 84,708
Public Finance Management
Haiti2013Assistance with designing a General Budget Support Programme. Design of a GBS, with detailed implementation modalities, in support of Government’s Poverty Reduction Strategy and ensuring compliance with the EU’s GBS compliance guidelines.European Commission
€ 66,824
Public Finance Management
Haiti2012 - 2013Programme to use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Improved Land Management and Sustainable Development. Linpico provides an IT expert and a financial advisor responsible for correct financial management and implementation of EU/EDF procedures; training project staff; and advising on local and international procurement. (FC BENEF 2009 – Lot 11)European Commission
€ 182,047
Public Finance Management
Comores2011 - 2013Capacity Building in the area of budget preparation, execution, control in budget execution, external scrutiny and audit of public finances. Linpico is organizing a series of 6 training sessions for 95 government staff, including the development of all course material. Training is carried out in Grande Comores, Anjouan and Moheli. African Development Bank € 359 260Public Finance Management
Turkmenistan2010 - 2012Support to Economic Reforms II. Support for the development of Public Finance Management skills and institutional capacity building in the Ministry of Finance. Specific assistance for the configuration of GFMIS software and installation of an Integrated Financial Management Information System.European Commission
€ 1,952,700
Public Finance Management
Azerbaijan2012Support to the State Statistical Committe for the development of a Twinning Fiche on Creation of Management of the Quality, Metadata and Geographic Information Systems, preparation of methodology on EU-SILC and expanding the scope of disability statistics based on EU requirements and international standards. (FC BENEF 2009 – Lot 11)European Commission
€ 25,000
Public Finance Management
Solomon Islands2012PEFA Assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework. (FWC MACRO Lot 1)European Commission
€ 97,432
Public Finance Management
Chad2012Evaluation of the EU funded support to Public Finance Reform Project (PAMFIP). (FC BENEF 2009 – Lot 11)European Commission
€ 24,906
Public Finance Management
Cameroun2012PEFA Assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management of the Douala municipality according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement frameworkFrench Government
€ 88,340
Public Finance Management
DR Congo2012PEFA Assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement frameworkWorld Bank
USD 160,700
Public Finance Management
Vietnam2012Identification Mission for a Public finance management and oversight project. Linpico provided a Public Sector Audit / Parliamentary oversight specialist. (FC BENEF 2009 – Lot 11)
European Commission
€ 30,000
Public Finance Management
Mayotte2012Support to the General Council for the preparation of Public Finance Management policy document for 2011 – 2014 as pre-condition for receiving 10th EDF Budget Support. (FWC COM 2010 Lot 1)European Commission
€ 46,212
Public Finance Management
Worldwide2012Editing Support to United Nations Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters, to establish a practical Manual on Transfer Pricing for assisting developing countries in establishing and implementing transfer pricing legislation. (FWC MACRO Lot 1)European Commission
€ 43 750
Public Finance Management
Pakistan2011 - 2012PEFA Assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework (Framework Contract BENEF 2009 – Lot 11)European Commission
€ 68,050
Public Finance Management
Burundi2011 - 2012Assistance to the Ministry of Finance for the implementation of the “public finance control” component of the Government’s PFM reform programme and Action Plan 2009 – 2011. (Framework Contract BENEF 2009 – Lot 11)European Commission
€ 174 136
Public Finance Management
Burkina Faso2011 - 2012Feasibility Strudy for establishing a computerized Financial and Management Information System for the management by the National Authorizing Officer of the EDF programme (FC BENEF 2009 – Lot 3)European Commission
€ 76 080
Public Finance Management
Worldwide2011 - 2012Study on Medium-Term Fiscal Frameworks. To provide the Commission with a database which can be used to inform future operations relating to the implementation of aid policy. The study also provides guidance on how to operationally improve Budget Support programme design, including the assessment of the eligibility criterion on macroeconomic stability, and policy dialogue. (FWC MACRO Lot 1)European Commission
€ 149,000
Public Finance Management
Congo (Brazzaville)2011-2012Establishment of a system for monitoring the government’s Poverty Reduction Strategy (PASERP). Strengthening institutional capacity for monitoring and evaluation, including training in poverty analysis and impact on poverty analysis for organizatiuons involved in the implementation of the PASERP. Establishment of a monitoring framework so as to measure results based sector performance.African Development Bank € 468,395Public Finance Management
Tunisia2011 - 2012Provision of long-term training in Results Oriented Budgeting and implementation of a communication campaign on ROB. (Framework Contract BENEF 2009 – Lot 11)European Commission
€ 165,827
Public Finance Management
Algeria2009 - 2011Establishment of a Macro-economic Data Base in the Ministry of Finance. Long and Short-term technical assistance to establish the database as well as tools for monitoring macroeconomic indicatorsEuropean Commission
€ 489,320
Public Finance Management
Guyana2011Preparation of a report on the progress made in the area of Public Finance Management over the last year as it relates to the legislative framework, the roles and functioning of the Parliament, its Committees, Auditor General, Funds outside the consolidated budget funds and all other bodies or Authorities dealing with or involved in collecting revenue or disbursing of it.European Commission
€ 17,000
Public Finance Management
Mali2011Formulation of the second phase of institutional support under the EU’s General Budget Support programme. Strengthening of capacities related to programme implementation and compliance with conditionalities. Focus on macroeconomics, public finance management and monitoring the implementation of the Government’s Poverty Reduction Stretegy.European Commission
€ 40 000
Public Finance Management
Mayotte2011Global Policy Report to provide orientations for EU (10th EDF) Budget Support in Mayotte. (Framework Contract BENEF 2009 – Lot 11)European Commission
€ 31,170
Public Finance Management
Mauritania2010 - 2011Public Financial Management Assessments – Health Sector. Overall assessment of PFM, including procurement, in the health sector and specific analysis and recommendations on the mechanism, including procurement systems, for delivering GAVI cash based support.Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI)
USD 25,000
Public Finance Management
Congo Brazzaville & Burkina Faso2010 - 2011Organization of a series of study tours to Burkina Faso for staff of the Ministry of Finance, Republic of Congo (Brazzaville). Capacity building of staff involved with performance based monitoring, internal audit and financial control. African Development Bank € 77,000Public Finance Management
Burkina Faso2010 – 2011Study to quantify Tax Remissions and the Impact of these remissions on the Economy of the country.Government of Burkina Faso € 39,000Public Finance Management
Togo2010 - 2011Public Financial Management Assessments – Health Sector. Overall assessment of PFM, including procurement, in the health sector and specific analysis and recommendations on the mechanism, including procurement systems, for delivering GAVI cash based support.GAVI
USD 28,000
Public Finance Management
Algeria2010 - 2011PEFA Assessment. Providing 3 experts to assess Public Finance Management according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework (Framework Contract – Lot 1 MACRO)European Commission
€ 172,500
Public Finance Management
Indonesia2010Public Financial Management Assessments – Health Sector. Overall assessment of PFM, including procurement, in the health sector and specific analysis and recommendations on the mechanism, including procurement systems, for delivering GAVI cash based support.GAVI
USD 30,000
Public Finance Management
Guyana2010Preparation of a report on the progress made in the area of Public Finance Management over the last year as it relates to the legislative framework, the roles and functioning of the Parliament, its Committees, Auditor General, Funds outside the consolidated budget funds and all other bodies or Authorities dealing with or involved in collecting revenue or disbursing of it. This report is necessary for both the disbursement of all Budgetary Support tranches and the submission of the 10th EDF Budget Support Programme Action Fiche.European Commission
€ 25,528
Public Finance Management
Mayotte2010Assessment of PFM and Identification of a General Budget Support Programme to be funded under the 10th EDF. Preparation of Project Identification Fiche and technical annexes. (FC Lot 1 – MACRO)European Commission
€ 40,000
Public Finance Management
Central African Republic2010Public Financial Management Assessments – Health Sector. Overall assessment of PFM, including procurement, in the health sector and specific analysis and recommendations on the mechanism, including procurement systems, for delivering GAVI cash based support.GAVI
USD 30,000
Public Finance Management
Malawi2010Public Financial Management Assessments – Health Sector. Overall assessment of PFM, including procurement, in the health sector and specific analysis and recommendations on the mechanism, including procurement systems, for delivering GAVI cash based support.GAVI
USD 28,000
Public Finance Management
Georgia2010PEFA Training course for the Tbilisi Municipality.Government of Georgia
€ 10,000
Public Finance Management
Burkina Faso2010Public Financial Management Assessments – Health Sector. Overall assessment of PFM, including procurement, in the health sector and specific analysis and recommendations on the mechanism, including procurement systems, for delivering GAVI cash based support.GAVI
USD 22,000
Public Finance Management
Ethiopia2010PEFA Assessment. Providing 2 experts to assess Public Finance Management according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework (Framework Contract – Lot 11)European Commission
€ 123,500
Public Finance Management
Congo (Brazzaville)2009 - 2010Programme to Support the Monitoring of Public Expenditure related to the implementation of the Government’s Poverty Reduction Strategy (PACDIP). Support for the improvement of Public Finance Management (budgeting and expenditure) related to poverty reduction.African Dev. Bank
€ 243,000
Public Finance Management
Cameroun, Burundi2010Public Financial Management Assessments – Health Sector. Overall assessment of PFM, including procurement, in the health sector and specific analysis and recommendations on the mechanism, including procurement systems, for delivering GAVI cash based support.GAVI
USD 63,000
Public Finance Management
Haiti2009 - 2010Public Procurement Reform. Support to 5 Ministries for improving their public procurement processes. Analysis of the existing procurement systems and establishment of a standardized, transparent system within the 5 Ministries.Inter-American Dev. Bank
USD 387,000
Public Finance Management
Ghana2008-2010Capacity Development in the Area of Transport Sector Public Finance Management. The Technical Assistance aims to address public finance management issues in the transport sector, and, in particular, to provide a sustainable basis for the relations between the transport sector and the Ministy of Finance. It also aims to build capacity in the sector to develop the capacity to handle its financial planning, commitments, and expenditures.European Commission
€ 849,678
Public Finance Management
DR Congo, Nigeria, Pakistan2009Public Financial Management Assessments – Health Sector. Overall assessment of PFM, including procurement, in the health sector and specific analysis and recommendations on the mechanism, including procurement systems, for delivering GAVI cash based support.GAVI
USD 159,000
Public Finance Management
Gambia2009Preparation of a General Budget Support Programme. Provision of a Public Finance Management Expert / Team Leader for an analysis of PFM reforms and recommendations on GBS. Drafting of a Financing Proposal and technical annexes for EU support.European Commission
€ 76,000
Public Finance Management
Benin, Comores, Gambia, Mauritania, Mongolia, Niger, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, 2009Pre-review of applications to GAVI for cash-based support. Analysis and recommendations for further action relating to the PFM aspects of the country applications.GAVI
USD 15,600
Public Finance Management
Azerbaijan, Cuba, Eritrea2009Public Financial Management Assessments – Health Sector. Overall assessment of PFM, including procurement, in the health sector and specific analysis and recommendations on the mechanism for tdeliverying GAVI cash based support.GAVI
USD 76,000
Public Finance Management
Kenya2008 – 2009PEFA Assessment. Providing 3 experts in order to assess Public Finance Management according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement frameworkEuropean Commission
€ 99,000
Public Finance Management
CEEAC (Central Africa)2008Financial and economic evaluation of the Regional Development bank’s (BDEAC) investment portfolio related to Transport.BDEAC
€ 82,000
Public Finance Management
Benin2008Support to the Reform of Public Financial Management. Identification of the ECs support for the Government’s Action Plan. Drafting of Financing proposal, terms of reference and other technical annexes.European Commission
€ 30,964
Public Finance Management
Central African Republic2008Financial and Functional Audit of the Public Treasury in Central African Republic. Identification of priority actions for the reform of Public Finances.World Bank
€ 146,000
Public Finance Management
Mayotte, Turks & Caicos, Aruba, Falkland Islands, Pitcairn, Saint Elena and Dependencies, Saint Pierre et Miquelon, French Polynesia, Anguilla & Montserrat2008Preliminary Assessment of Public Finance Management and Procurement Procedures, and an Assessment of the Economic Situation under the 10th EDF: to assess quality, transparency, accountability and effectiveness of public finance management as well as the openness and transparency of public procurement – all reports based on PEFA framework. European Commission
€ 220,000
Public Finance Management
DR Congo2007 – 2008PEFA AssessmentEuropean Commission
€ 199,000
Public Finance Management
Mali2007-2008Technical Assistance to the National Office of Statistics and Informatics.European CommissionPublic Finance Management
Ethiopia2004-2007Ensure the efficient and effective implementation of an Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) for the Ethiopian Government Civil Service.European Commission
€ 599,000
Public Finance Management