India02/2024 - 05/2024“WB - Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE)” – The assignment involves developing Operations Manual and Guideline for implementation of Credit Guarantee Facility extended by CGTMSE to Financial Institutions to facilitate commercial financing in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector for environmentally sustainable Grid-connected Rooftop Solar projectsErnst & Young LLP
€ 13,950
Governance and Aid Management
India08/2023 – 07/2028“Appointment of Agency for Property Tax Assessment and providing other allied services for Akola Municipal Corporation, Akola”: The overall objective of the project is to conduct Geo enabled door to door property survey, assessment and collection of tax/non-tax/utility/user charges along with design, development, hosting, and maintenance of software integration and set-up of citizen support cell.Swati Industries (Akola Municipal Corporation
€ 1,395,825
Governance and Aid Management
India07/2023 – 11/2023Organizational Transformation Study of Tamil Nadu Transmission Company Limited: The assignment involves enhancing financial controls and reporting. Activities include analyzing power production costs, optimizing capital structure and finance expenses, reviewing TANGEDCO/TANTRANSCO's financial setup, assessing internal audit functions, and restructuring the finance department. It also entails drafting staff service schemes, optimizing tariff structures, and evaluating Regulatory Assets for potential liquidation strategies.Ernst & Young
€ 3,361
Governance and Aid Management
India07/2023 – 03/2024Develop a robust baseline to measure the current levels of access to water supply services available to households in 15 areas of Chennai city: The assignment aims to establish a robust foundation for specific Developmental Level Indicators (DLIs) within the World Bank's 'Chennai Sustainable Urban Services Program' by conducting a comprehensive baseline survey. World Bank
€ 403,290
Governance and Aid Management
India09/2023 - 10/2023Functional Review / Institutional Assessment of State, District and Local institutions involved in citizen-centered service delivery in Sikkim - The objective is to analyze the operational structures, coordination mechanisms, and service delivery capabilities across all levels i.e., state, district (province) and local level in selected priority departments (i.e. Rural, Skills, Commerce & Industries, Health, women & child, IT, planning) and central and state schemes for two districts (province).World Bank
USD 34,800
Governance and Aid Management
Benin08/2023 – 10/2023Training of trainers on the management of Budget Support programmes. Subjects covered: (i) an overview of the economic and financial programmes of the IMF; (ii) how these are linked to the EU’s budget support; (iii) the main methodologies and processes involved in budget support programmes.European Commission
€ 19,998
Governance and Aid Management
India08/2023 – 11/2023Due Diligence of 3 Sub Recipients and 36 Sub- Sub Recipients for Key Population project funded by The Global Fund: The overall objective of the assignment is to conduct due diligence of the implementing partners. Prepared a common finance manual/SOP for this grant including finance and accounts, grant management, donor management, risk assessment and mitigation procedures, sub-grantee procedures<;The Global Fund
USD 7,745
Governance and Aid Management
Togo11/2022 – 04/2025Framework Contract for the execution of activities to support the digital transformation in Togo. Provision of technical advice to public and private stakeholders on digital transformation.GIZ
€ 754,350
(Linpico 25% profit share)
Governance and Aid Management
Morocco06/203 – 05/2026Monitoring Budget Support for Ecological development in the agriculture and forestry sectors. Undertking 6 monitoiring missions to assess porgress in implementing an ecological development programme “Al Ard Al Khadraa – Terre Verte”. Making recommendations on budget support disbursements.European Commission
€ 377,036
(Linpico € 351,870) 93%
Governance and Aid Management
Guinée Conakry2023Final Evaluation of the “Environment” Component of the 3rd programme of support to the reform of the security sector. The evaluation focusses on EU support for (i) biodiversity conservation, and in particular the strengthening of paramilitary corps responsible for nature conservation; and (ii) supporting Guinée with meeting the countrys’ international environmental commitments.European Commission
€ 99,910
(Linpico € 33,735) 34%
Governance and Aid Management
Bonaire2022 - 2023Technical Assistance for the formulation of the EU cooperation with Bonaire for the period 2021-2027. This involves formulation of the EU support for wastewater management and analysis of Bonaire’s wastewater management policy as well as public financial management and macro-economic situation so as to assess eligibility for EU budget support. European Commission
€ 120,000
(Linpico € 107,500) 90%
Governance and Aid Management
Côte d’Ivoire2022 - 2023Study on the sustainable financing of the Civil Registry system and on the cost-effectiveness of Civil Registration services in Côte d'Ivoire. To make an inventory of the operational, organizational, technical and legal conditions to be implemented as part of the modernization and sustainable financing of the Civil Registry.European Commission (via CIVIPOL)
€ 78,000
Governance and Aid Management
Armenia2022 - 2023 Technical Assistance to the EU Delegation to Armenia for the identification and formulation of future actions in the field of green development and climate change and to support the EU Delegation in gaining a better understanding of the needs and opportunities, and development policy proposals, tools and programs for green economic development, with emphasis on regions.European Commission
€ 294,050
(Linpico € 81,090) 28%
Governance and Aid Management
Côte d’Ivoire2022- 2024 Support for the coordination and implementation of Team Europe Initiatives (TEIs). The three TEIs in Côte d’Ivoire are Sustainable Cocoa, Low-Carbon Transition and Peace and Stability. The team is supporting: (i) coordination amongst the different TEI members and between the three projects; (ii) sectoral policy dialogue with the Ivorien authorities and the development partners; and (iii) communication and visibility surrounding the TEIs. European Commission
€ 299,500
(Linpico € 181,904) 61%
Governance and Aid Management
São Tomé and Príncipe2022Formulation of the “Support to the water and sanitation sector” project.. Design of a project that contributes to the modernisation and extension of the drinking water network; increases sanitation services and promotes equitable accessibility to facilities in public institutions The project also supports governance through capacity building actions for the different entities involved in planning, coordination and management of the water and sanitation sector and promotes community participation in decision-making and management processes.European Commission
€ 73,300
Governance and Aid Management
Jordan 2022Tranche evaluation for Budget Support to the Rule of Law. The overall objective of this assignment is to assess the progress in meeting the set of indicators and targets under the fourth tranche of the Sector Budget Support programme "Support to the Rule of Law in Jordan" and to advise the EU Delegation on the release of the payments linked to the resultsEuropean Commission
€ 87,600
Governance and Aid Management
Cameroun2021 - 2022Final Evaluation of the Rural Development Sector Reform Contract. Analysis of the results achived and lessons learned form a € 152 million budget support programme aimed at improving smallholder productivity.European Commission
€ 156,000
Governance and Aid Management
Georgia2021 - 2024Compliance review of the implementation of IntegratedTerritorial Development Budget Support. To provide a detailed review of the implementation of the EU Sector Reform Performance Contract - EU4 Integrated Territorial Development (EU4ITD) and to enable the Commission to use the submitted reports as a tool for monitoring programme execution and taking decisions on instalment disbursement for the years 2022, 2023 and 2024. The programme aims to promote a more balanced territorial development and and create new centres of gravity apart from Tbilisi and BatumiEuropean Commission
€ 149,448
Governance and Aid Management
Mauritius2021 - 2023Technical Assistance to Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change to implement the provisions of the Climate Change Act 2020, notably in the establishment of the Climate Change Department.European Commission
€ 104,000
Governance and Aid Management
Albania2021 - 2024Compliance review for Good Governance budget support. To assess the degree of compliance with the conditions of the good governance budget support programme, and remaining two specific conditions of the public administration reform budget support programme for the purpose of disbursements of tranches and policy dialogue.
European Commission
€ 448,500
Governance and Aid Management
Latin America2021EUROCLIMA+ Mid-term evaluation. To provide the relevant services of the European Union and the interested stakeholders with an overall independent assessment of the past performance of the EUROCLIMA+ programme. The scope of the evaluation includes activities carried out since 2017 under EUROCLIMA+ decisions 2016, 2017 and 2019 implemented in 18 Latin America countries through more than 120 interventions (projects/actions).European Commission
€ 166,500
Governance and Aid Management
Serbia2020 - 2021Support to IPARD Managing Authority and IPARD Agency with the implementation of IPARD measures. To support the preparation of the Serbian Sector of Agriculture and Rural Development to implement the EU Common Agricultural Policy in order to prepare the Republic of Serbia for EU accession.European Commission
€ 295,000
Governance and Aid Management
Jordan2020 - 2021Mid Term Evaluation of EU Support to the Implementation of the National Solid Waste Management Strategy. An overall independent assessment of the past performance of the SWM Budget Support programme and identification of key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve current and future Budget Support programmesEuropean Commission
€ 41,250
Governance and Aid Management
Marshall Islands2020 - 2021Senior Advisor to the Office of the Auditor General in Majuro (Republic of Marshall Islands). Fraud surevillance and prevention.European Commission
€ 268,000
Governance and Aid Management
Angola2019 - 2021Support to the National Authorising Officer. To strengthen institutional capacity and improve the programming and financial and contractual management, including all procurement of the EU’s development programme and to improve donor coordination.European Commission
€ 1,992,900
Governance and Aid Management
Mauritania2017 - 2021Support to the National Authorising Officer. To strengthen institutional capacity and improve the programming and financial and contractual management, including all procurement of the EU’s development programme and to improve donor coordination.European Commission
€ 1,579,960
Governance and Aid Management
Somalia2018 - 2021Support to the National Authorising Officer. To strengthen institutional capacity and improve the programming and financial and contractual management, including all procurement of the EU’s development programme and to improve donor coordination.European Commission
€ 1,896,500
Governance and Aid Management
Zimbabwe2018 – 2021Support to the National Authorising Officer. To strengthen institutional capacity and improve the programming and financial and contractual management, including all procurement of the EU’s development programme and to improve donor coordination.European Commission
€ 1,726,500
Governance and Aid Management
Moldova2018 - 2020Strengthening of the policy development process in the context of the implementation of the Association Agreement. Enhance the institutional and human resource capacity of the central and local public administrations to elaborate and implement evidence-based policy and to ensure the efficient and effective delivery of high- quality administrative services in line with the European Principles of Public Administration. European Commission
€ 1,825,000
Linpico 17%
Governance and Aid Management
Swaziland2018 - 2020Technical Assistance Support for the High Value Crop and Horticulture Project (HVCHP). To support high impact commodity chains with a focus on horticulture through strengthening of market finding, production planning, production, packing and collection of products. To support in an advisory and institutional strengthening role the efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture and its parastatals SWADE and NAMBOARD in implementing the project. European Commission
€ 1,704,000
Linpico 34%
Governance and Aid Management
Albania 2020Support for the State Cadastre Agency of Albania. Strengthening the protection of the right to property in Albania and the right to ownership as one of the fundamental rights.European Commission
€ 243,500
Governance and Aid Management
Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey2019Evaluation of the EU support actions for the participation of beneficiaries in EU Agencies funded in the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance.European Commission
€ 184,988
Governance and Aid Management
Lesotho2014 - 2021Support to the Management and Coordination of Development Cooperation. To contribute to the implementation of Lesotho's national development agenda. The specific purpose is to help improve effectiveness of aid policy orientation through strengthened management and coordination of development cooperation and in particular strengthen the office of the National Authorising Officer.European Commission
€ 2,952,000
Governance and Aid Management
Armenia2020Final Evaluation for 4 Budget Support Programmes: Support to Justice Reform – Phase II; Vocational Education and Training reform and Employment strategy programme; Public Finance Policy Reform Programme; Support for the implementation of the ENP AP and preparations for the future Association Agreement – Phase IIEuropean Commission
€ 99,542
Governance and Aid Management
Serbia2019 - 2020Strategic evaluation of the EU’s cooperation with Serbia over the period 2012 – 2018European Commission
€ 224,904
Governance and Aid Management
Dominica2019 - 2020Final Evaluation of State Building Contract for Dominica for Rehabilitation following Tropical Storm Erika.European Commission
€ 38,300
Governance and Aid Management
West Bank & Gaza2019Identification and formulation mission for future intervention through technical assistance project to support the Palestinian public administration reform. Tto assist the General Personnel Council and the Prime Minister Office in assessing the needs and formulating relevant and feasible project(s) of intervention for supporting Palestinian Public Administration ReformEuropean Commission
€ 58,639
Governance and Aid Management
Macedonia2018 - 2019 EU for YOU - Information and communication country-wide campaign on EU assistance. To ensure communication about the EU and the enlargement process and rause public awareness about the EU, its values and policies.European Commission
€ 259,790
Governance and Aid Management
Bolivia2019Final Evaluation of the Budget support programme "Apoyo Presupuestario Sectorial a la Estrategia de Desarrollo Integral con Coca 2011-2015 en Bolivia –PAPS II"European Commission
€ 99,497
Governance and Aid Management
ENI & Russia2018 - 2019Evaluation of the EU's engagement with Civil Society in the enlargement, neighbourhood regions and Russia over the period 2007-2018. This evaluation is a thematic-level one, looking at the EU's engagement with Civil Society. It will be based on the assessment of a selection of interventions cutting across countries and sectors, in enlargement, neighbourhood regions and RussiaEuropean Commission
€ 325,000
Governance and Aid Management
Bhutan2018 - 2019Assessment of Budget Support Result Indicators for 2018. To carry out sector performance assessment, analyse the progress on the Result Indicators and sector policies in support of sound implementation (including communication aspects) of the two EU supported sector budget support programmes : Capacity Development for Local Government and Fiscal Decentralisation and Rural Development and Climate Change Response.European Commission
€ 55,349
Governance and Aid Management
Afghanistan2014 - 2018 Capacity Building for Results Facility (CBRF): Human Resource Management and capacity building programme to support the Ministry of Finance and Civil Service Commission in HR related tasks for all staff positions under the CBR programme, including support for preparation of TOR, recruitment, performance appraisal, checking credentials of applicants, other due diligence activities in line with government law and procedures. CBR aims at recruiting 2,500 civil servants.World Bank
USD 8,908,704
Consortium member
Governance and Aid Management
Armenia2015 - 2018 Enhancing policy dialogue around Public Adminstration Reforms. To enhance policy dialogue and the visibility of Budget Support Operations and to provide technical assistance in areas of Public Administration Reform.European Commission
€ 271,000
Governance and Aid Management
Djibouti 2015 - 2017Support for the implementation of Djibouti – EU cooperation. To strengthen the national system for planning and implementation of development strategies. To improve monitoring and evaluation of national development plan implementation. European Commission
€ 580,000
Governance and Aid Management
Wallis & Futuna2016 - 2017Technical Assistance to support public policy and development coordination services,
including the office responsible for Aid from the European Union and the office responsible for
support from France. The poject aims to improve the management of Public Finances
European Commission
€ 312,200
Governance and Aid Management
Mauritania2011 - 2016Support to the National Authorising Officer: to strengthen institutional capacity and improve the programming and financial and contractual management, including all procurement of the EU’s development programme and to improve donor coordination.European Commission
€ 1,804,150
Governance and Aid Management
Asia & The Pacific2015 - 2019Results Oriented Reviews and Monitoring (ROM) and support to generate aggregate data for reporting to the EuropeAid executive and the European parliament; to provide an independent assessment of project performance, with a focus on results; and to provide advice / recommendations to project stakeholders, including lessons learned.European Commission
€ 9,920,491
Consortium member
Governance and Aid Management
Egypt2013 - 2016Building the Capacities of the Ministry of International Cooperation in the Field of Planning, Managing, Monitoring and Evaluating Official Development Assistance. Improving the systems related to ODA at both the policy and program levels to support better aid managementEuropean Commission
€ 1,150,100
Governance and Aid Management
ENPI & IPA region2017 -2018Evaluation of EU support for Security Sector Reform (SSR) in enlargement and neighbourhood countries (2010-2016). To provide an assessment and evidence on the scope and performance of the implemented and on-going EU support for SSR. European Commission
€ 89,531
Governance and Aid Management
Ethiopia2015 - 2016EU – Ethiopia Cooperation. EU+ Joint Programming Exercise II. European Commission
€ 38,100
Governance and Aid Management
West Africa2015 - 2016Technical Assistance to the ECOWAS Investment and Development Bank (BIDC). Development of a strategy and procedures for resource mobilization for BIDC. African Development
Bank USD 114,605
Governance and Aid Management
Papua New Guinea2013 - 2017Support to the National Authorising Officer: to strengthen institutional capacity and improve the programming and financial and contractual management, including all procurement of the EU’s development programme and to improve donor coordination.European Commission
€ 1,183,930
Governance and Aid Management
Ethiopia2012 - 2014Support to the National Authorising Officer: to ensure a timely and effective preparation and implementation of the cooperation activities implemented by the Government of Ethiopia with funding from the European Union.European Commission
€ 1,027,000
Governance and Aid Management
Afghanistan2011 - 2015Procurement Strengthening and Support for Afghanistan Reconstruction and Development Services (ARDS). Providing procurement capacity to facilitate transparent utilization of donor resources for reconstruction and development. Assisting line ministries in carrying out procurement or carrying out procurement on their behalf, in conformity with guidelines of funding agencies for all goods, works and services financed directly by WB, WB-administered Trust Funds as well as Government contracts.World Bank
USD 6,075,184
Governance and Aid Management
Chad2011 - 2014Support to the National Authorising Officer: to strengthen institutional capacity and improve the programming and management, including all procurement of the EU’s development programme and to improve donor coordination.European Commission
€ 1,804,440
Consortium member
Governance and Aid Management
Central Asia2015 - 2016Identification and Formulation of an EU funded Programme “EU Regional Environmental
Programme for Central Asia – Phase II”
European Commission
€ 569,825
Governance and Aid Management
All Africa2012 - 2015Technical, Administrative and Logistical assistance to the Joint Africa – EU Strategy Support Mechanism. To improve results oriented coordination of JAES Action Plan implementation. Thematic priorities of the Action Plan are Peace and Security, Democratic Governance and Human rights, Trade, Regional Intergration and Infrastructure, Millenium Development Goals, Energy, Climate Change and Environment, Migration, Mobility and Employment, Science, Information Society and Space. European Commission
€ 8,049,099
Consortium member
Governance and Aid Management
Worldwide2015Operational support facility for EU Delegations implementing Thematic Programme on Civil Society Organizations / Local Authorities. Support to EU Delegations worldwide, in the technical and financial evaluation of the concept notes and full proposals received under in-country calls for proposalsEuropean Commission
€ 318,050
Governance and Aid Management
Pre-Accession Countries2014 - 2015 Thematic Evaluation on IPA support to the fight against corruption. To provide recommendations for combatting corruption in IPA countries (Albania, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Turkey), based on evaultaion of previous EU support in this area.European Commission
€ 199,070
Governance and Aid Management
Worldwide2015Operational support for EU Delegations implementing Thematic Programme on Non State Actors / Local Authorities Support for the organisation of information, capacity-building and networking sessions for potential or actual beneficiaries of the thematic programme. Support quality implementation of the NSA/LA portfolio at country level.European Commission
€ 318,000
Governance and Aid Management
Georgia2014 - 2015Ex-Ante Evaluation for Establishing a Monitoring and Evaluation System. To set up a M&E system at the outset of the SSF 2014-2017 to secure the timely provision of relevant information and data on the achieved results for different levels of the European Union and the partner government.European Commission
€ 159 316
Governance and Aid Management
Belarus2014 - 2015Evaluation of TAIEX events for Belerussian beneficiary institutions. To identify strengths and weaknesses of past TAIEX assistance and help define focus areas for future support. Sectors supported by TAIEX include Energy, Environment, Food Safety, Vocational Education and Training. European Commission
€ 28,928
Governance and Aid Management
Bosnia-Herzegovina2014 - 2015Assessment of Bosnia and Herzegovina capacities for election observation. Provision of advice for the 2014 elections in the area of media/advocacy strategy and detecting and addressing irregularities in election processes. Prepared project scope for EU funded project to support capacity building of local NGOs in election observation. Assessed media coverage and media environment during 2014 electionEuropean Commission
€ 296,260
Governance and Aid Management
DR Congo2011 - 2014Support to the National Authorising Officer: in order to maximise DR Congo’s capacity to absorb the development funds provided by the European Commission and to ensure these funds are used in the most efficient and effective way and ensuring all procurement of works, supplies and services (approximately € 600 million) is carried out in accordance with EU procedures.European Commission
€ 1,047,994
Governance and Aid Management
COMESA2011 - 2014Support to COMESA for Improved Monitoring and Evaluation. Improve Donor Coordination and Monitoring of Regional programmes. Improve Coordination of the Regional Policy agenda and increase Aid Effectiveness.European Commission
€ 525,526
Governance and Aid Management
Macedonia2013 - 2014Preparation of tender documentation for modernization and adaptation of Social Work Centres and Employment Service Agency. Preparation of detailed design, including drawings, specifications and Bill of Quantities. Prepration of tender documentation in compliance with PRAG. European Commission
€ 99,323
Governance and Aid Management
Central African Republic2013 - 2014Support to the National Authorizing Officer. Provision of a National Coordinator to support the programming, monitoring and financial management of the EU funded development programme.European Commission
€ 153,970
Governance and Aid Management
British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands2011 - 2014Management of Protected Areas to Support Sustainable Economies. Linpico provides technical assistance for the financial and administrative management of four Grant Contracts. These contracts are with (i) The United Kingdom Overseas Territories Conservation Forum (UKOTCF); (ii) The British Virgin Islands National Parks Trust (BVINPT); (iii) The National Trust of the Cayman Islands (NTCI); and (iv) The Turks and Caicos Islands National Trust (TCNT).European Commission
€ 565,530
Governance and Aid Management
European Neighbourhood Region2013Evaluation of the Programme Support for Improvement in Governance and Management (SIGMA). SIGMA provides assistance to beneficiaries to advance their governance reforms, to consolidate capacities to continue their reforms, and to create conditions for effective, efficient and reliable use of EU funds. Target groups include Central Authorities responsible for management systems of civil service, administrative law, expenditure management, public procurement, financial control and external audit mainly, Ministries of Finance, Court of Accounts, Ministry of Public Administration and Justice.European Commission
€ 160,000
Governance and Aid Management
Bangladesh2011 - 2013Promotion of Aid Effectiveness and Coordination. Support for mapping, EU+ aid data and portfolio presentation and communication, Joint Cooperation Strategy and Policy dialogue and drafting of a consolidated Aid Policy (FWC COM 2010 Lot 1)European Commission
€ 197,528
Governance and Aid Management
Central African Republic2009 - 2013Support to the National Authorising Officer (NAO) so as to improve the programming and management of the EU’s development programme and to improve donor coordination, particularly in relation to the planning, implementation and monitoring of the National Poverty Reduction Strategy.European Commission
€ 1,498,380
Governance and Aid Management
Worldwide2013Study to assist EuropeAid with the design of a results framework for aid it manages; and in doing so promote common EU results approaches. (FWC COM 2010 Lot 1)European Commission
€ 404,450
Governance and Aid Management
Turkey2013Evaluation of the Assistance provided by the EU’s Turkish Pre-Accession instrument 2002 – 2006. The purpose of the ex post evaluation is to provide (a) accountability with respect to value for money and use of funds; and (b) lessons learned on financial assistance. (FWC COM 2010 Lot 1)European Commission
€ 80,000
Governance and Aid Management
Armenia2013Mid-term Evaluation of the EU Advisory Group to the Republic of Armenia – Phase III. The project supports the government’s reform agenda in core areas of EU-Armenia ENP Action Plan and Association Agreement. (FWC COM 2010 Lot 1)European Commission
€ 40,000
Governance and Aid Management
Iraq2013Assistance to the Evaluation of Calls for Proposals - Civil Society and Human Rights (FWC COM 2010 Lot 1)European Commission
€ 15,120
Governance and Aid Management
Botswana2013Programming the 11th EDF (FWC COM 2010 Lot 1). Identification of a Public Administration Reform programme to be funded under the 11th EDF.European Commission
€ 42,316
Governance and Aid Management
Benin2013Workshop and Training on the Programme Approach in the Agriculture SectorGIZ
€ 7,519
Governance and Aid Management
Burkina Faso2012Organization and Animation of a Training Workshop on Corruption aimed at identify corrupt practises in the public sector and identifying and assessing anti-corruption measures as well as necessary legal and practical reforms that are required to address corruption.African Development Bank
32,000 €
Governance and Aid Management
Benin2012Technical Assistance in carrying out sectoral reviews and helping with the preparation of the Joint Annual Review 2012 (Framework Contract BENEF 2009 – Lot 11)European Commission
€ 27 000
Governance and Aid Management
Benin2011Technical Assistance in carrying out sectoral reviews and the Joint Annual Review 2011. (Framework Contract BENEF 2009 – Lot 11)European Commission
€ 64 850
Governance and Aid Management
PALOP – Timor Leste2008-2010Support to the Regional Authorising Officer PALOP for the overall coordination and project cycle management within the scope of PALOP cooperation, currently in the context of PALOP RIP II. European Commission
€ 850,000
Governance and Aid Management
Democratic Republic of Congo2007 - 2010Support to the NAO. Providing three LT experts in order to maximise DR Congo’s capacity to absorb the development funds provided by the European Commission and to ensure these funds are used in the most efficient and effective way, thereby maximising developmental impact.European Commission
€ 1,680,000
Governance and Aid Management
Chad2006 - 2010Technical Assistance to the National Authorising Officer and the Aid Coordination Unit : to strengthen the institutional capacity of the MEPC so as to improve the programming and management of the EU’s development programme and to improve donor coordination, particularly in relation to the planning, implementation and monitoring of the National Poverty Reduction Strategy.European Commission
€ 2,350,000
Governance and Aid Management
Sierra Leone2005 – 2008Support to the National Authorsing Officer. The project purpose is to improve the overall performance of EDF-funded interventions, with a focus on relevance of programming and timeliness, effectiveness and efficiency in the management of the EDF resources by the NAO. Project results include: Strengthened command by NAO staff of Project Cycle Management Tools as well as EDF financial and contractual procedures; The design and implementation of procedures and systems within the NAO office; Improved positioning of the NAO within SL national administration; Increased understanding by GoSL officials and Non-State Actors of the PCM tools, EDF procedures and priorities of the ACP-EU partnership agreement. European Commission
€ 1,930,000
Governance and Aid Management
Mali2005 – 2008Support to the National Authorsing Officer. The project purpose is the Institutional Strengthening of the Office of the NAO in terms of programming, administration and monitoring of the EU development programme. This will be achieved through the provision of short term and long term technical assistance to the NAO Support Unit. The EU development programme in Mali focuses on transports, decentralisation, public structures support, macroeconomic and civil society support.European Commission
€ 490,000
Governance and Aid Management
Comores2004-2007Support to the National Authorsing Officer Institutional Strengthening of the Office of the National Authorising Officer so as to improve the administration of the EU Development Programme. The results of the project include accelerating the process for identifying and commencing projects and ensuring that the staff in the NAO Office is skilled in the management and supervision of the EU Development Programme.European Commission
€ 660,000
Governance and Aid Management
Liberia2004-2007Local Community Development Project. Provision of Interface Partners to assist with the implementation of small scale projects related to Local Community Development (part of the Reintegration Programme for Returnees and Displaced People). Focus on Social Services (including rehabilitating clinics, classrooms, provision of water supply and sanitation facilities) and Income generating activities.European Commission
€ 550,000
Governance and Aid Management