Linpico appeals to everyone’s generosity to contribute donations to the Yorenka Tasorentsi Institute to help the victims of the floods.

PLEASE DONATE USING THE FOLLOWING LINK : Flood relief – Inundações no Acre | Doare



LINPICO focuses particularly on issues impacting on the environment and climate change, not only in its international development activities, but within its company itself and from a global perspective.

As such, Linpico is interested in the activities of associations and institutions such as the Yorenka Tasorenti Institute, “an indigenous-led institution in Brazil that integrates traditional knowledge with modern technique as a response to current planetary challenges. Their work is focused on regenerating and preserving the Amazon Rainforest to guarantee a future where all living beings can live in harmony with nature”.

Their work focuses on recovery of degraded areas, regenerative natural ecosystems, wildlife conservation, sustainable social solutions, education and community, traditional knowledge and cultural heritage.

Their founder Benki Piyako is an indigenous, political and spiritual leader from the Ashaninka tribe. He began his reforestation and community-building projects in 2007. Along with his team he has accomplished the following:

  • 40 nearby communities trained in agroforestry systems impacting more than 4000 people in the region
  • 60+ young leaders trained in agroforestry and actively participated in major reforestation efforts
  • Over 2 million trees plantes
  • 26 fish ponds created to develop pisciculture systems where fish are fed with only natural foods and avoiding intensive fishing
  • 1000+ people treated through traditional means
  • Initial animal conservation: 15000 turtle’s, 250 turoises, monkeys, pigs and tapirs
  • Creation of 800 beehives, home to 80 000 bees
  • Asssiting in the revival of traditional heritage of indigeneous tribes that had lost touch with their cultural practices through colonization

For more information on the Yorenka Tasorentsi Institute visit their website: https://yorenkatasorentsi.org/

Unfortunately, after facing dramatic fires in August and September 2023 which devastated over 1330 hectares of rainforest, which will necessitate more than 5 years of replanting,  from last week the state of Acre in Brasil Region has been facing violent floods, with a catastrophic impact on all the work that has been undertaken by the Yorenka Tasorentsi Institute.

The people in Acre have been severely affected. The Government of Acre declared a state of emergency for 17 municipalities, including Marechal Thaumaturgo, affected by flooding from rivers and streams this past Sunday (February 25th).

The riverside inhabitants, in particular, face widespread devastation. Their fields and fish ponds, a source of food and livelihood, have been completely submerged by the waters. Families do not have access to food or electricity. Approximately 20,000 people are affected of which 2,000 have lost their homes and belongings. It is a desperate situation for the community

Yorenka Tasorentsi Institute is raising money to support the Asheninka people and Linpico appeals to everyone’s generosity to contribute to this worthwhile cause.

Please also consult the Arte Television series of documentaries: “The guardians of the forest”  : 

