We are very happy to announce that Linpico has been selected to lead 3 Lots of the Framework Contract of the European Union for the Services for External Action (SEA 2023): Lot 6 (Budget Support, PFM, DRM and Statistics), Lot 14 (Migration and Forced Displacement), and Lot 16 (Intervention-level evaluations). We will also be a partner on 3 other lots. We are incredibly proud of our team who managed this impressive success.
We will now be expanding the FWC Department to respond to the increased demand coming from leading two more lots than on the EU SIEA 2018 FWC, where we led Lot 5 (PFM and Budget Support). If you would like to join us in this exciting moment, to continue building our FWC project portfolio, please send your CV to [email protected]. We are looking for project managers with proven success in winning EU-funded development projects, FWC are an advantage.
We would like to also thank our partners, for trusting us to lead our consortia in this endeavour, and for their inputs and patience throughout the whole process. We look forward to working with all of you.